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Association of Vincentian Charities of Brooklyn

Donate Your Car Today!

Accepting  all vehicles running or not

My car went to Heaven!

Our Mission

 The Association of Vincentian Charities of Brooklyn auto program is a Catholic  outreach program who assists those in need. We are a recognized 401c Catholic charity and have been established in 1930. Since 2012, we have given back over $885,000 to the local parish of donors all across the metropolitan area. The proceeds go towards your local neighborhood parish's food pantry and various parish assistance programs. The greater part of your donation also goes to the burial assistance program for the residents of the Diocese of Brooklyn and Queens to assist with the burial of poor and needy deceased individuals, adults without any family, and to assist parents with the burial of their stillborn or deceased infants. All St. Vincent de Paul burials take place at St. Charles Cemetery in Farmingdale, Long Island, New York. It is a means for the less fortunate to be able to part with their loved one's with grace and dignity on consecrated grounds. Send your car to heaven today and help make a difference in lives of the less fortunate in your neighborhood.

                     Communal Section
                    St. Charles Cemetery
        Farmingdale, Long Island, New York

Eternal rest grant them O Lord, Let the children come to you

Money goes back to your local parish

Your donation helps your local parish's food pantry & outreach program

Free Towing

We schedule and pick up your car at your convienence

Serving all five boroughs

Full coverage for most of the 5 bouroughs

Irs Tax DeDuction

Since 1930 we've been a recognized 501c Catholic charity


© 2024 by Vincentian Charities auto program of Brooklyn Queens

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